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Ligoniel Primary School and Nursery Unit, Belfast

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

Useful information for 2024/25

Dinner is £2.60 per day and should be paid on the School Money website.

P.E is on a Wednesday and Thursday. 


What my child will need everyday....

Water bottle filled with still water, not flavoured or fizzy

Healthy break

Ligoniel book bag

Coat (regardless of the weather in the morning)


Topics this year....

A time to rhyme.

Hey hey look at me!

Brrr..... it’s freezing.

Once upon a time.

On an adventure.

Please refer to other tabs within our class page to find out what we have been learning about. Use these images to talk to your child about their learning.


We we hope you enjoy your child’s journey through year one. 

Mrs McManus, Mrs Lawson, Miss McNeill, Mrs White and Mrs Brown



25th Dec 2024
Wishing everyone a silent night ❤️