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Ligoniel Primary School and Nursery Unit, Belfast

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6...where children are not taught what to think, but how to think.  

We hope you enjoy looking through our photos showing how we learn in a meaningful, challenging, practical and fun way.

"Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world." 

Useful information:

✏️ All children should come into class in the morning prepared for learning, ensuring they having all the resources they need for learning e.g. stationery, notepads, folders etc.

✏️ Dinner money is £2.60 per day, which must be paid on the school money website before each Monday for the full week.

✏️ PE is on Tuesday and Wednesday- PE kits should be worn to school on these days.

✏️ Home Learning is given out on a Monday in paper form and should be submitted via SeeSaw no later than Thursday at 3pm.

We look forward to a busy and exciting year ahead 😊

Miss Orr, Mrs Lemon, Mrs Hall & Ms Lewitska



19th Mar 2025
We celebrated World Book and World Maths day by exploring books, tackling maths challenges...
7th Feb 2025
Thank you to all our fabulous parents who spent the last four Thursday mornings...
25th Dec 2024
Wishing everyone a silent night ❤️

Latest Photographs