Year 6
Welcome to Year 6...where children are not taught what to think, but how to think.
We hope you enjoy looking through our photos showing how we learn in a meaningful, challenging, practical and fun way.
"Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world."
Useful information:
✏️ All children should come into class in the morning prepared for learning, ensuring they having all the resources they need for learning e.g. stationery, notepads, folders etc.
✏️ Dinner money is £2.60 per day, which must be paid on the school money website before each Monday for the full week.
✏️ PE is on Tuesday and Wednesday- PE kits should be worn to school on these days.
✏️ Home Learning is given out on a Monday in paper form and should be submitted via SeeSaw no later than Thursday at 3pm.
We look forward to a busy and exciting year ahead 😊
Miss Orr, Mrs Lemon, Mrs Hall & Ms Lewitska
Latest Photographs